Yahoo Groups Servals Elist - New Member Rules
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Yahoo Group "Servals"
Click To View Yahoo Servals Group Elist Page

**Upon requesting subscription to the "Servals" Elist, a pending member must read and agree to the rules mentioned below.
A pending member must reply their answer to the Servals Moderator email within 7 days. Once they have replied their agreement to the rules, their request to join will be considered.

If the 7 days has expired, and there is no response from the pending member, as to the agreement of terms, the serval moderators/owners, have the right to refuse entry to the Elist.

The pending member may ask to rejoin once again, but only with an explanation as to why, there was no agreement to the Servals Rules. The moderators of this group, have the right to deny or reject any membership request to join the "Servals" list.


Any Servals Elist member prior to the rules were established, is considered in agreement to these rules. All members have been notified of these new rules. (2003) Please note: The Servals Elist is moderated. Member Conduct (You Agree NOT To)

1. Upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any Content that could be considered unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortuous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable to any Group member.

2. Abusive, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortuous, harmful, threatening, towards or aimed at other Yahoo groups and/or organizations pertaining to exotic wildlife, (example, LIOC, Ocelot, Phoenix, FCF, Servals and Serval, etc)

3. Upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any Content that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships

4. Upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, "junk mail," "spam," "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," or any other form of solicitation, except approved by moderator and/or owner of the Elist. Please forward the information to the moderator of the group, and wait for approval before posting. Note: Solicitation of serval kittens and related items are allowed (example-�kittens for sale�).

5. Upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware of any member or members with the intent to do harm. This does not mean, a member�s computer could have contacted a virus through another means, transmit it unknowingly to other Elist members. This rule applies to members who intentionally post a message containing a virus to do harm to the group and its members. The individual will be reported to Yahoo.

6. "Stalk" or otherwise harass another; or collect or store personal data about other members, with the intent of doing harm at any given time.

If any of the above is violated, a private email will be sent to the offending member giving them able warning they are in violation of the rules.

If the member continues, the member will be banned from the Elist.

If an existing member posts a "banned" members note/letter/email/comments in any form, in retaliation, to the Elist, the existing member will be moderated by the Moderator and/or Owner. The length of moderation will be determined by the Moderator and/or Owner. End result could be banned from the Elist as well. Created 11/11/03 **Revised 03/02/04

Addendum To The Servals Rules Due to recent developments, any topic or post regarding FCF/Phoenix/Ocelot/LIOC, must be approved by the moderators of this group, before posting.� If not in compliance, will be reason for banning from the Servals list.� Any open attacks towards or regarding any Servals list member is also reason for being banned from the list.� This is a public forum; there is no need for these types of posts.� If you have a problem with someone, private E-mail the moderators of the group.

Do not post it on the forum.

As per the rules any violation listed in the "Serval Rules" will result in the following: (this is an addendum to be added to the Rules)

First warning-A general announcement will be posted to the whole group.

Second warning-A private email to the parties involved, informing them, they are being placed on moderate status.

Third warning-A private email to the parties involved, warning them they are about to be removed as a member of the list if they continue.

After the third warning, the member will be removed from the elist.� The member will still have the option, of rejoining with the moderator�s permission. Once the member rejoins, with moderator�s approval, their posts will be moderated until we feel comfortable.

If they repeat such conduct, there will be no warning, and they are banned, with no chance of returning to the list.

Created addendum 01/04/04

Lengthy Posts and Email Delivery Options: Please remember to take time to "clip" lengthy posts, messages, news articles, etc., in replying to posts submitted to the Elist. In replying, you are creating a thread, which may become quite lengthy and may take up too much allotted space for other members with their email programs, creating a full mailbox, over the limit provided by their email provider. Threads tend to grow very rapidly. This is an increase problem for those members who receive messages in "Daily Digest" form.

In taking vacations, holidays, time off from the Elist, please consider changing your membership status, to "No Email", rather than unsubscribing from the list entirely.

After carefully reviewing the above rules, click the link below, and type accept or decline in the Subject: line of the email.
Feel free to add any additional comments (either way) in the body of the email, for our noting.
Acceptance Or Decline Of Serval Rules

Created - 11/11/03