Weight: 6 pounds
Head/Body: 20 inches
Tail: 12 inches
Subspecies: 5
The Geoffroy's Cat is the most common cat of South America. It resides in the Andes Mountains, grasslands and woodland areas. The Geoffroy's Cat is the size of an ordinary domesticated cat. Colors can vary, as they can be brown or gray, and sometimes yellow. They can live up to 15 years of age in the wild.
The Geoffroy's Cats living more south have a more grayish coat, while the ones living further north have a brownish yellow coat. The Geoffroy's Cat has a circular head, short fur (in the summer), and the male is typically larger than the female. They have large ears which permit them to be aware of sounds coming from an approaching predator or prey.
The claws are deadly sharp for two reasons. First, the sharp claws allow them to be able to climb, and second, to be used for cutting its prey. It cannot be denied that these cats are good swimmers, as they can easily cross rivers.
A female Geoffroy's Cat produces one litter annually, and the litter size is, at most, 3 kittens. The male does nothing, as far as rearing the young is concerned. The gestation period for a mother is 72 to 78 days, and when it is time to give birth they seek rocky terrain. At 6 weeks the kittens are fully mobile.
The male reaches sexual maturity after two years, while the female reaches sexual maturity at eighteen months. Any predator in the wild that attempts to turn this cat into lunch may be disappointed. It may very well be the one who becomes lunch. In other words, they are at the top of their food chain. The Geoffroy's Cat is a match to almost any type of adversary, with one exception, humans. They are often killed for the value of their fur.
Their diet consists of small lizards, rodents, insects, and sometimes a frog or fish. This cat actually shares its home in the grasslands with the Kodkod, another type of cat.
